What to Do About Extended Car Warranty Scam Calls

What to Do About Extended Car Warranty Scam Calls

(RepublicanView.org) – Few things are as annoying as the “extended vehicle warranty” call. If you have a smartphone, there’s a good possibility you received one of the billions of scam robocalls last year under the guise of offering you protection against costly auto repairs. Don’t fall for it; according to the FCC, it’s a scam. Here’s how to deal with those pesky calls.

How the Scam Works

Robocalls don’t care what kind of car you drive, what type of warranty you have, or whether or not you even own a car. Instead, they cast a net to fish for active numbers in a specific region or area to build a marketing list. Those who answer the calls and follow the prompts have already done the work for these con artists.

The scam is simple: A computer program calls every possible number in a given area code. The program then registers which numbers are active with a simple call. You’ll recognize these calls by the absence of anything on the other end should you answer.

Once they know which numbers are active, the talented scammers use public records to match you with the vehicle make and model you own, making their claims seem credible. Subsequent calls come from salespeople ready to sell you an overpriced service plan covering almost nothing.

It’s Not About Your Extended Warranty

Your vehicle’s extended warranty isn’t something a random company can offer. Instead, the car dealer offers you an extended warranty when you buy your car. Robocall scammers design their service plans to do one thing: take your money. But that’s not the only reason they do it.

These scammers know most citizens won’t fall for the extended warranty scam. But they still gain valuable knowledge by trying: who answers the phone and who calls back. They discover whether you are susceptible to one of their other scams, such as a call from an attorney, the lottery commission, or even the IRS.

How to Stop the Calls

Robocalls are illegal. They are nearly impossible to stop. You can add your numbers to the national do not call list, but it won’t help. The one thing that helps is not falling for it.

These scams rely on people not knowing about them. They require an answer and action to be successful. The best way to avoid robocall scams is to understand the scammers’ habits and be ahead of their game.

The number one way a robocall gets through is to make calls from numbers in your area code you don’t recognize. You may think it’s a friend, relative, or local business. Maybe it’s the school or the dentist rescheduling your appointment. To avoid robocalls, Ignore numbers you don’t recognize or numbers that don’t identify themselves with a name on your caller ID. Legitimate callers will leave messages.

Proactively ignoring and blocking scammers’ numbers is the best way to avoid being duped by anyone. You can also register yourself on the Do-Not-Call list.

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