Lemon Fired From CNN

(RepublicanView.org) – CNN host Don Lemon was fired from the network after 17 years on the air. Lemon said he was shocked by the decision to end his employment, and he had had no pre-warning. “I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN. I am stunned. After 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly,” he said.

The cause of the shock departure is unclear, but there is speculation that his comments on air in February marked the beginning of the end.

Lemon drew the wrath of social media commentators when he said women are in their “prime” in their 20s and 30s. He warned Presidential candidate Nikki Haley that she is no longer in her prime and should therefore cease her sleights against President Biden and Donald Trump over their advanced age. Haley said people should take a competency test before taking high office if they are over 75.

The host did not appear on CNN the morning after the comments, and CEO Chris Licht said he was earmarked for “formal training.” He also stated that the network’s management would discuss Lemon’s future.

While arguably a victim of cancel culture, Lemon has a history of denying its existence. In 2021, he mocked Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, saying he was not a victim of cancel culture, but of consequence. Hawley complained that his book publisher dropped him for his views on the 2020 Presidential election. He had argued that Congress should not certify Biden’s victory and was subsequently accused of inciting the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6th.

“No one has muzzled Josh Hawley. What happened to Josh Hawley isn’t cancel culture, it’s called consequences,” Lemon said. “That’s how the First Amendment works. Say whatever you want, but you gotta pay the price if you say something stupid,” he added.

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