Haley Calls for Abortion Consensus

(RepublicanView.org) – Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley responded to Joe Biden’s election announcement by calling the President a “failure.” She said Biden is responsible for the disastrous American withdrawal from Afghanistan and for making the world less safe. “That was the day America became weak,” she said.

Haley furthermore attacked President Biden over the wide-open southern border, reaffirmed her position that catch-and-deport should replace catch-and-release, and once again said employers should use E-verify nationwide. E-verify is an internet-based system that allows employers to check applicants’ immigration status before offering them work.

She issued a stark warning to Americans about choosing a leader and how severe the consequences are. “Is this who you’re going to put back up for president next year, because you’re basically telling America, make sure you live with this illegal immigration problem, because this president’s not doing anything to change it,” she said.

The former South Carolina Governor has made immigration key to her election campaign. However, she has called for more routes for legal migrants, which could prove unpopular. Haley was the first Republican candidate to visit the southern border. She pointed out that people who enter the country by breaking the law are generally unlikely to obey it.

At an event in Arlington, Virginia, Haley laid out her view on an increasingly contentious issue for Republicans – abortion. Since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, GOP-led state legislatures have passed anti-abortion measures that some Republicans admit are driving voters toward the Democrats. Haley said the nation needs to reach a consensus on the issue. She tried to find a center ground in her speech and said those who have abortions should not be jailed, but equally, there should never be pressure on women to undergo the procedure, and mothers should be supported to carry their babies to term.

She called for an end to attacks on pro-life activists and blamed such occurrences on the Biden White House.

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