Steve Bannon Reveals New “2-Pronged” Plan

Steve Bannon Declares "Full On War" On Government

( – Trump loyalist and former White House strategist Steve Bannon says Republicans need to declare “full on war” on the Biden administration and the federal agencies he purports are targeting the former President for persecution. Bannon outlined a potential “two-pronged” plan in his War Room podcast and said, “One is through the House, where we have leverage, and the other is a full-on war against the administrative state.”

He defines “the administrative state” as a collective of federal agencies, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, which he describes as “woke and weaponized.” He argues that the first part of his plan, House-sponsored budget cuts and curtailments, can weaken these departments.

The second part of the two-pronged movement consists of Republican unity behind Donald Trump. He claimed this will involve ensuring that all Republicans, particularly those who do not support Trump, understand the seriousness of what he considers to be weaponization, and the threat to US democracy. Explaining these issues will solidify the belief that Trump is the only candidate who can confront the administrative state at this time, Bannon hopes.

The controversial strategist has a complex relationship with the former President. He was chief executive of Trump’s 2016 campaign and was appointed White House chief strategist. The pair fell out in 2018 when Bannon wrote unflatteringly about the President’s children. In his book, Fire and Fury, Bannon described Donald Trump Jr. as “treasonous” and Ivanka Trump as “dumb as a brick.”

Since his split with Trump, he returned to Breitbart News, the publication he co-founded, and has put his weight behind anti-establishment Republican candidates and attacked the GOP old guard. Some Republicans in Congress responded to Bannon’s campaigns saying he should focus his energies on the Democrats. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was one of his targets. He said Bannon is a “smart guy, and he’s going to realize that’s unfruitful. Where he ought to be spending his time is going after those who are screwing up the country.”

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