(RepublicanView.org) – A left-wing guest on MSNBC said boycotting the retail store Target is an act of terrorism. Professor Justin Wolfers said, “Creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t. So I think it’s very worrying.”
Some mainstream media outlets are reporting threats to Target employees over its Pride section, which has caused outrage due to the inclusion of “tuck friendly” swimming costumes for women, as well as t-shirts for kids emblazoned with words like “Queer” and designed by a British admirer of Satan. “Tuck-friendly” garments accommodate male wearers who want to appear as females.
Calls to boycott the store trended on social media, and around $10 billion has been wiped off the company’s value.
Some Target stores responded to the outcry by moving the relevant merchandise away from shop entrances. The company reports that customers knocked over some of its displays and confronted staff. However, CEO Brian Cornell insisted that the move made good business sense. “It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today,” he said. Cornell added that selling for a “diverse” population was “the right thing for society.”
Meanwhile, radicals from the so-called LGBTQIA+ community have issued bomb threats to Target. This occurred in Utah, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. An email sent to an outlet in Ohio gave the addresses of five stores and stated, “We have placed a bomb in the following targets.”
The sender said Target had turned its back on LGBT people and sided with “homophobic red neck right-wing bigots.” The language mirrored that of Kelley Robinson, from the Human Rights Campaign, who accused all opponents of radical gender ideology of being extremists who want LGBT people to “disappear.”
Law enforcement investigated the threats but found no bombs and said the email was sent from a bogus address.
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