(RepublicanView.org) – According to Newsmax, Political analyst and former Clinton adviser Dick Morris expressed his belief that former President Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination on Super Tuesday next March. Super Tuesday is the day that the largest number of states hold primary elections, and Morris expects Trump to wrap up the nomination on the day.
A number of US states are going to be holding elections on March 5 next year, including the recent addition of California, which has moved its primary to the same day.
“I think Trump will win Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, Michigan, and then go into Super Tuesday with a string of victories,” the analyst said.
Dick Morris has long believed that Trump would run for the Presidency again and thinks he will win it. In his book “The Return: Trump’s 2024 Comeback,” he claimed voters will have the chance to fix the mistake they made in electing Joe Biden and unleashing historic inflation. He insists there is nobody in the field, Democrat or Republican, capable of taking down Trump. “As surely as he was our 45th President, he will be our 47th,” he wrote.
The policies that will win it for the former President are energy, immigration, and taxation, according to Morris. He argues that Trump’s record already proves he can do better than Biden. He said the Democrats are associated with issues involving immigration, inflation, and crime.
Surveys in late July put Trump in front of his nearest competitor Ron DeSantis, and that lead has remained high over the last several months, despite Trump’s multiple legal woes. A July poll from Reuters/Ipsos showed Trump at 47% and DeSantis at just 19%. Meanwhile, hypothetical battles between Trump and Biden have been close. A recent Yahoo News poll put Biden at 47% and Trump at 43%.
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