Man Gets Prison Sentence for Disturbing Crime

Immigrant Who Assaulted Child Gets Life In Prison

( – A man who was accused of raping and impregnating a 9-year-old girl has been sentenced to life in prison after he admitted to the crime and agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors. Gerson Fuentes may apply for parole after serving 25 years, partly due to the child’s family’s pleas to the judge for leniency. Because he is an undocumented immigrant, he is expected to be deported to his native Guatemala if he is ever released.

The horrific story prompted President Biden to speak about the impact of overturning Roe v Wade and the abortion rights of the pregnant child. The President used the girl’s story as an example of the harm that can be caused to rape victims, while be condemned legislation restricting the procedure in several states.

The child left Ohio to obtain an abortion in Indiana. While Ohio law had recently banned abortion after six weeks, some have argued that the girl would have fallen under an exception that allowed abortion if the mother’s health was in danger. However, the doctor she saw in Ohio ended up referring her to one in Indiana.

Judge Julie Lynch reduced Fuentes’ sentence from life without parole after the child’s mother appealed for clemency. However, the judge said she was reluctant to do so and that the decision was difficult for the court. She said that anyone who’s been in the courtroom over the last couple decades understands how the “court feels about these babies, young people, being violated.” However, she agreed to the deal at the request of the family, adding that it would prevent the child from having to go through the stress and pain of testifying.

The child’s mother, who has not been named, defended Fuentes when approached by reporters last July. She told journalists from Telemundo that her daughter was fine and allegations against her child’s abuser were false. However, DNA tests proved he had impregnated the 9-year-old.

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