(RepublicanView.org) – A councilwoman in Denver has called for a tax on white-owned businesses. Candi CdeBaca said America’s hugely successful capitalist economy was built “on stolen land” and demanded a race-based tax system that takes more from white companies and gives it to those owned by black and brown people. Her proposals are unconstitutional and therefore illegal, but CdeBaca dismissed this fact as harassment by a white nationalist mob.
In California, demands for a taxpayer-funded reparations scheme are becoming increasingly vocal. The latest meeting of the reparations panel set up by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2020 at the behest of Black Lives Matter activists took place on May 6th.
The meeting descended into chaos as attendees demanded that each black California resident receive at least $200 million each. Activists calculated the figure based on the so-called “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves upon their emancipation.
A man identified as Reverend Tony Pierce said the modern equivalent of 40 acres and a mule is $200 million. He concluded his remarks by stating, “Tell Governor Newsom we’re coming. He knows me.”
Others who attended the meeting said black residents should receive $5 million each. This is the figure put forward by activists in San Francisco.
No firm amount has yet been decided, but estimates suggest that the final tally could be more than $800 billion. The annual budget for the Golden State is $300 billion.
In January, two black lawyers and residents of the state said they would fight the proposals. Leo Terrell and former California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder called the plans outrageous, unconstitutional, and racist.
Larry Elder summarized the situation by stating, “Reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to people who were never slaves.”
Leo Terrell said he does not want taxpayer funds and would reject any payment. He said he would be the first lawyer in California to fight the plans in court.
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