Hunter Biden Comes To Agreement in Child Support Dispute

Hunter Biden Scores Sweet Settlement In Child Support Case

( – Hunter Biden has reportedly made a deal with lawyers to reduce child support payments. Lunden Roberts, who gave birth to Hunter Biden’s daughter in 2018, has received payments from the President’s son since 2019. Hunter Biden initially denied he was the child’s father, but a paternity test settled the matter. Last year, Hunter Biden petitioned the courts to reduce his monthly payment, saying he was suffering financial hardship.

At the time, Roberts’ lawyers hit back and said that Biden was crying poverty through some of the most expensive lawyers in America while living in a $12,000-a-month rental home in Hollywood.

The two parties have now settled out of court and an agreement was sent to the Independence County Circuit Court for approval. The issue of the child’s name has also been resolved. Lunden Roberts wanted her daughter Navy Joan to be named Biden so she could reap the benefits of a high-powered family name.

The New York Post reported that a source claimed the payments were reduced from $20,000 to $5,000, although that information hasn’t been confirmed in court documents.

Hunter, however, said he wished a quiet life for the child and did not want her to grow up under the pressure of being a Biden. The parents have reportedly agreed that the 4-year-old will not take the name.

The deal is the second legal arrangement agreed by Hunter Biden within a week. He settled a criminal case out of court in mid-June when he accepted a plea deal with prosecutors that allowed him to avoid jail time. Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges for failing to pay taxes, and a further charge related to unlawful possession of a handgun was settled with two years’ probation.

IRS whistleblowers claimed the Department of Justice (DOJ) made its investigations into Hunter Biden difficult, and former Utah US Attorney Brett Tolman condemned the deal as a slap on the wrist. The attorney said on Twitter, “If DOJ treated Hunter Biden like the thousands of no-names who get prosecuted, he would be looking at decades in federal prison.”

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