(RepublicanView.org) – Republicans are furious about the new relaxed dress code in the Senate and have written a complaint letter to Chuck Schumer. Senate Majority Leader Schumer announced the new policy on September 17, and it has already been nicknamed “the Fetterman rule.”
The Senate previously required male members to wear a coat and tie and women to wear business attire. However, members can now wear what they wish. The revision has been named after John Fetterman because of the Senator’s infamous tendency to show up for work in sweatpants.
The letter argues that the allowance of casual attire “disrespects the institution we serve and the American families we represent.” It goes on to urge a reversal of the decision.
Following the announcement, a war of words broke out on Twitter between Fetterman and Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Georgia Rep. said it was disgraceful for the Senate to appease Fetterman and said, “Dress code is one of society’s standards that set etiquette and respect for our institutions.”
Fetterman replied, mocking Greene by reminding her she had previously displayed inappropriate images at a public meeting.
In July, while hearing testimony to the House Oversight Committee, Taylor Greene displayed censored pictures of Hunter Biden. The Congresswoman opened her line of questioning with a warning that discretion was advised. She showed images of Hunter Biden with an alleged prostitute and claimed the President’s son was guilty of trafficking women across state lines for prostitution services.
Taylor Greene is not alone in her criticisms of the new rule, and not alone in placing the blame on John Fetterman. Some Twitter users voiced their disapproval, including a radio reporter from Seattle, who said, “Sorry, but if you show up to work wearing what John Fetterman does, you’re a slob with zero respect for the office you serve.” Not all Democrats are on board with the decision either. Sen. Joe Manchin is reportedly introducing a bipartisan resolution to bring back the dress code.
Some social media users, however, said the matter was unimportant, and Congress had far more important things to worry about.
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