RFK’s Wife Loses Work in Hollywood

(RepublicanView.org) – Cheryl Hines, the wife of newly announced Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, is losing work in Hollywood due to her husband’s political views. Kennedy told reporters that his wife had fallen victim to cancel culture and had lost out on work opportunities since he announced he was to run for the White House. “It’s alarming,” he said. The actress has been nominated for two Emmy awards and is best known for her role in the comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Hines issued a statement recently in support of her husband, though she does not share his view on the coronavirus vaccine. Kennedy risked the ire of Democrats by denouncing the mandatory imposition of the vaccines. He has questioned their efficacy for many years.

“He is a fearless leader who understands the needs of the American people and has devoted his life fighting for democracy,” Hines said of her husband, the nephew of former US President John F. Kennedy.

Despite the couple’s differences of opinion, social media users roundly attacked Hines for supporting her husband. Some commentators said they had lost all respect for her, while others reminded the voting public that Robert Kennedy did not have the support of members of the Kennedy dynasty, including his siblings.

His sister, Kerry Kennedy, said, “I love my brother Bobby, but I do not share or endorse his opinions on many issues, including the COVID pandemic, vaccinations and the role of social media platforms in policing false information.”

Kerry Meltzer, Kennedy’s niece and a practicing physician, said she had seen the “life-saving power” of vaccines throughout her career and that his views are dangerous.

Several physicians, however, disagree with Meltzer; some have lost their jobs as a result. For example, Dr. John Witcher was fired from the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Yazoo City, Mississippi, for trialing Ivermectin as a treatment for the virus. Dr. Mary Bowden of Houston, Texas, was also suspended for opposing vaccination mandates.

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