North Korea Tests Missile Capable of Reaching US, Officials Say

North Korea Tests Missile Capable of Reaching US, Officials Say

( – Officials in South Korea and Japan are warning that North Korea has developed missiles capable of reaching any part of the United States. Dictator Kim Jong Un reportedly tested the new missiles in mid-December, one of which traveled 600 miles and crashed into the sea near Tokyo, Japanese officials said.

The North Korean leader also displayed his country’s newest military might during parades in the capital, Pyongyang, and reports indicate these are probably the new long-range rockets the country has been testing, named in North Korea as the Hwasong-18 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM).

According to Japan’s Kyodo news agency, Adm. John Aquilino of America’s Indo-Pacific Command called the news “concerning” and noted that the communist state has had a record year for weapons testing and development in 2023. However, he said the US and its allies in the region can predict when dictator Kim intends to conduct testing, and they were aware of the recent tests in advance.

The Hwasong-18 is designed to carry nuclear warheads, and Kim Jong Un has long described it as his most impressive weapon and one he will happily use to attack the United States. After he supervised the testing of his long-range missiles, Kim promised “offensive actions” to repel what he saw as growing US militarism. He said his country would “never overlook all the reckless and irresponsible military threats of the enemies” and would “strongly counter them.”

In response, the US has warned Kim Jong Un that if he attacks America or any of its allies, that will be the end of his communist regime. At the second US-Republic of Korea Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) in Washington, DC, in mid-December, the United States and South Korea (ROK) issued a joint statement saying that “any nuclear attack by the DPRK [North Korea] against the ROK will be met with a swift, overwhelming, and decisive response.”

Kim Jong Un refers to the United States as his greatest enemy and has threatened America with nuclear annihilation on numerous occasions.

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