Mitch Connell Says He’s Made a Recovery

Mitch Connell Insists He's "Completely Recovered"

( – Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says he has made a full recovery and is doing well after two incidents in which he strangely froze mid-sentence during speeches.

McConnell, 81, most recently froze two months ago during a press conference in Kentucky. He remained that way for 30 seconds. He was asked about his thoughts on rerunning for election. McConnell initially asked the reporter to repeat himself before freezing. McConnell answered a few other questions after recovering, but never responded about his reelection intentions.

A month prior, McConnell froze while speaking at Capitol Hill about defense policy. He was escorted off camera after 19 seconds by Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), who also works as a physician. McConnell appeared wide-eyed as he was being led away. He returned a few moments later.

He also suffered a concussion earlier this year after tripping during an event. Some reporters have claimed that he has since had more difficulty answering their questions.

While speaking with Margaret Brennan on CBS “Face the Nation” on Sunday, October 22, McConnell spoke about his health. According to him, he is “completely recovered,” and he added that he’s in “good shape” and back to work. The comments come amid questions from the public about his ability to serve. Dr. Brian Monahan, a physician at Capitol Hill, cleared him to resume his regular operations. Monahan said that he consulted with both McConnell and a neurology team before clearing him to continue with this schedule.

McConnell’s team claims that he was simply lightheaded during both incidents. Dr. Monahan has said that’s normal for people his age. Nonetheless, the incidents with McConnell have fueled concerns about representatives and term limits in recent months.

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