Michigan Supreme Court Won’t Force Trump Off Primary Ballot

Michigan Supreme Court Won't Force Trump Off Primary Ballot

(RepublicanView.org) – The Supreme Court of Michigan has ruled that Donald Trump will be on the state’s primary ballot papers in 2024. The Court refused to hear an appeal against the decision of a lower court that kept Trump on the ballot, saying, “We are not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this court.”

The ruling came in response to a request by four voters that the earlier decision of the Court of Appeals be overturned, and Trump excluded for breaching the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which disallows those who have engaged in “insurrection” from holding high office in Washington.

Michigan Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Welch said she agreed with the Court of Appeals finding that it is not within the Secretary of State’s power to remove Mr. Trump. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson must ensure Trump is on the ballot paper regardless of whether the 14th Amendment applies because she doesn’t have the “authority to remove a legally ineligible candidate from the ballot once their name has been put forward by a political party in compliance with the statutes governing primary elections.”

The decision comes just days after Colorado’s Supreme Court determined it could keep Trump’s name from that state’s ballot and ruled, for the first time in US history, that a former President accused of insurrection was disqualified from running for the nation’s highest office. Trump has also now been removed from the ballot in Maine.

Colorado Republicans immediately launched an appeal against the ruling in that state, and Trump said he would refer to the US Supreme Court for its response. The federal Supreme Court has never before ruled on the application of the 14th Amendment, which was added to the Constitution after the US Civil War in order to prevent Confederate leaders from entering the White House.

Republicans, including fellow Presidential contenders Nikki Haley and Trump-critic Chris Christie, condemned the Colorado court’s decision and said it is up to the American people to decide who is President.

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