Hamas Commander Killed, IDF Says

Key Hamas Commander Killed, IDF Says

(RepublicanView.org) – Israeli Defense Force (IDF) officials have reported the death of a Hamas commander who participated in the terrorist attack on the Jewish state on October 7. Adil Mismah, the Nukhba company commander in the Gazan city of Deir al-Balah, died in an Israeli air assault on January 1, and the IDF announced the killing on Twitter.

In the same post, Israel’s military said it had also struck targets “used for conducting warfare,” destroyed a terror cell that attacked Israel with mortar shells, and “eliminated a terrorist launching rockets in Khan Yunis.”

The announcement came as Israel said it is preparing to pull hundreds of its troops from the Gaza Strip, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned his people to prepare for a long war. Israel said it is preparing for a new phase of the conflict that will further rely on targeted operations, including airstrikes and artillery use. Some reservists called to duty in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attack will return to civilian life to ensure the country’s economy stays strong.

In the day that followed the troop reduction announcement, Israel continued its bombardment of Gaza, where Hamas says more than 22,000 have now been killed. According to reports, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant said, “The feeling that we will stop soon is incorrect. Without a clear victory, we will not be able to live in the Middle East.”

Meanwhile, clashes between Israel and Hezbollah have also intensified as the number of rockets crossing the northern border into Israeli territory from Lebanon increased. Hezbollah is considered the most well-oiled terror machine in the Middle East and is funded by Iran. According to Aljazeera, Its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, praised Hamas immediately after the attack on Israel, calling it “a big event to shake this oppressive … occupying, usurping Zionist regime and its supporters in Washington and London.”

Nasrallah has pledged bloody revenge on Israel for the death of Saleh al-Aruri, deputy leader of Hamas, who was killed by an Israeli strike on Beirut.

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