Biden Campaign Launches Presence On TikTok

Biden Campaign Launches Presence On TikTok

( – President Joe Biden’s campaign for the 2024 elections has officially launched its TikTok presence.

The first video was published during the 2024 Super Bowl on February 11. In it, Biden was interviewed about the game and the upcoming elections. One question was used to poke fun at conspiracy theories claiming the game was rigged in an effort to, ultimately, help improve Biden’s chances of winning the elections.

The campaign’s decision to launch a TikTok account has drawn some scrutiny due to ongoing national security concerns related to the app. The company has been accused of collecting and sharing user data with the Chinese government. Biden himself actually signed a bill forbidding use of the app by federal agencies unless it’s being used for research or national security purposes.

However, Robert Flaherty, the deputy campaign manager for Biden, has touted the move as a positive one, according to Fox News. He said it was a successful move in reaching voters in an “evolving, fragmented, and increasingly personalized media environment.”

Others have had mixed opinions about whether it’s an effective strategy. Analyst Susan Schreiner said that it’s a clever way to reach young, disengaged voters. However, Forbes reported that American University professor Scott Talan said it was like a grandpa showing up uninvited to a kids’ party. Young voters showed up in record numbers to support Biden in 2020, but they have been less engaged recently. An NBC News report from December suggested that support among voters 18-34 for Biden has dropped significantly.

The campaign plans to use TikTok as its overall social media strategy. They are also active on X, Facebook, and even Truth Social, the social media platform owned by rival presidential candidate Donald Trump. Campaign officials said they are taking every possible precaution to keep their devices secure as they post regular social media updates.

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