Iranian Hackers Allegedly Tried To Send Trump Campaign Info to Biden Campaign Associates

Iranian Hackers Allegedly Tried To Send Trump Campaign Info to Biden Campaign Associates

Iranian hackers allegedly tired to share stolen Trump campaign information with Biden’s team, sparking concerns about foreign interference.

At a Glance

  • Iranian hackers allegedly sent stolen Trump campaign documents to Biden campaign associates.
  • The emails were sent in late June and early July, targeting personal email accounts.
  • Recipients did not respond to the unsolicited messages.
  • The FBI is investigating the breach and preparing criminal charges.
  • Both campaigns condemn foreign interference in U.S. elections.

Iranian Hackers Target U.S. Presidential Campaigns

In a concerning development that highlights the ongoing threat of foreign interference in the U.S., Iranian hackers allegedly attempted to send stolen Trump campaign documents to individuals associated with President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. The incident, which occurred in late June and early July, has raised alarms about the security of campaign information and the potential for foreign actors to meddle in American democracy.

According to a joint statement from U.S. intelligence agencies, the hackers sent unsolicited emails containing “an excerpt taken from stolen, nonpublic material from former President Trump’s campaign” to people connected with Biden’s campaign. The breach appears to be part of a broader effort by Iran to access and disseminate sensitive communications from Trump’s campaign.

Campaign Responses and Investigations

Both the Trump and Biden campaigns have responded to the incident, with each side offering a different perspective on its implications. Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, viewed the hack as evidence of Iranian interference to aid Biden and Harris. Meanwhile, the Biden campaign emphasized its cooperation with law enforcement and condemned any foreign attempts to interfere in U.S. elections.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign said this shows Iranians are trying to “help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror.”

The Justice Department’s national security division is actively investigating the attack, which reportedly included accessing the email accounts of Roger J. Stone, a longtime political adviser to Trump. Federal officials believe the stolen information was intended to be disseminated to Trump’s political opponents, raising concerns about the potential impact on the upcoming election.

Broader Context of Foreign Interference

This incident comes amid ongoing concerns about allegations of foreign interference in U.S. elections. Matthew G. Olsen, a senior Justice Department official, has accused Russia of attempting to undermine Biden and Harris to support Trump’s re-election. Simultaneously, he cited Iran’s hacking of the Trump campaign as an effort to damage Trump’s chances of victory, highlighting the complex web of international actors seeking to influence American politics.

The situation has prompted increased scrutiny of election security measures. In a recent Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, tech company executives briefed lawmakers on efforts to safeguard the election from foreign disinformation and cyberattacks. Microsoft President Brad Smith warned that the most critical period for potential election interference would be the 48 hours leading up to the election, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance.

Ongoing Threats and Future Concerns

As the 2024 election approaches, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing threats to electoral integrity. The FBI has described this cyber activity as part of Iran’s strategy to undermine confidence in the electoral process.

The alleged Iranian hacking attempt underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures in political campaigns and heightened awareness among voters about the potential for foreign interference. As the investigation continues and criminal charges are prepared, the incident serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of safeguarding America’s democratic processes in an increasingly interconnected world.


  1. Iranian Hackers Sought to Pass Off Pilfered Information to Biden Team
  2. FBI says Iranian hackers sent unsolicited stolen Trump info to people associated with Biden campaign
  3. Iranian hackers sent Biden campaign stolen Trump materials in unsolicited emails, FBI says