Some House Republicans Worried About Future With Mike Johnson

Some House Republicans Worried About Future With Mike Johnson

( – House Republicans have expressed concern that new Speaker Mike Johnson will not deliver the change he promised, according to a recent Fox News report. House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good of Virginia, who voted to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy because of a deal he struck with Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, said Johnson’s recent government funding agreement with Democrats demonstrated “more of the same.”

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee, who also voted to remove McCarthy, agreed with Mr. Good, saying little had changed under Johnson’s leadership. “We just have to decide who we are as a party. I would hope at some point we would resume our role as fiscal conservatives,” he said.

A new agreement, struck on January 7 between Speaker Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, limited government spending in 2024 to $1.6 trillion, including $886 billion for defense spending and $773 billion for non-defense. The deal was struck to avoid a government shutdown on January 19, the latest deadline.

Some Republicans, however, say they will not back the arrangement because it does not contain the required spending cuts or any commitments to secure the southern border.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia wrote in a social media post that the deal “does nothing to secure the border, stop the invasion, or stop the weaponized government targeting Biden’s political enemies.”

On January 10, Rep. Warren Davidson stormed out of a GOP meeting led by Mr. Johnson, saying he was unprepared to listen to any more “drivel.” He described Mr. Johnson’s arrangement with Schumer as a total failure, echoing the words of several fellow Republicans.

As reported by Fox News, Rep. Chip Roy also expressed dissatisfaction with the deal, even going so far to say he thinks it’s worse than what was happening with McCarthy.

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