RFK Jr. Qualifies To Be on Utah Ballot

RFK Jr. Qualifies To Be on Utah Ballot

(RepublicanView.org) – Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy has qualified for the Utah ballot. The controversial contender, who started out as a Democratic candidate but switched to independent, has collected the 1,000 signatures required for inclusion on the Beehive State’s ballot paper. Kennedy has until March 5 to file official documents confirming his intention to run for the White House.

The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy has grown in popularity since announcing his candidacy, and while he is unlikely to win access to the Oval Office, experts suggest he could have an impact on the election outcome. Polling higher than any other independent candidate, Mr. Kennedy is siphoning support from both likely contenders from the two main parties.

In a Quinnipiac University poll last November, Kennedy polled at 22% – higher than Ross Perot in 1992. He is also performing well in swing states such as Pennsylvania, where he may have the most significant impact. New York Times/Siena College surveys last year showed Kennedy had double-digit support in states that Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020, which could spell serious trouble for the President and provide a boost to Donald Trump.

Kennedy polled well in the six states with the narrowest wins for Biden, including Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan.

In Arizona in December, hundreds of electors turned out to hear Kennedy speak, and they were a mixture of Democrats and Republicans. Some had voted for Trump in 2020 and some for Biden but had since lost enthusiasm for both. One voter said he likes that Kennedy talks to the people “like adults,” according to The Associated Press.

Supporters of both Biden and Trump have expressed trepidation that Kennedy could affect the result in either direction, but Republicans tend to downplay his potential impact. “Frankly, I don’t know how many voters out there are willing to spend their vote on a candidate they think has no chance to win,” said GOP Senator Marco Rubio, according to POLITICO.

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