Rep. Jackson Lee Running for Re-election Following Mayoral Defeat

Rep. Jackson Lee Running for Re-election Following Mayoral Defeat

( – Texan Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has filed papers to re-run for her Congress seat after losing the Houston Mayoral election by a considerable margin. The Congresswoman indicated she would step away from Washington if successful in Houston, but voters rejected her and opted for Republican John Whitmore by 65% to Jackson Lee’s 34%.

Houston victor Whitmire reportedly said during a speech after his win, “People want to go to work for me because we respect people. We don’t bully people. My family taught me to treat people the way you want to be treated.”

In October, audio recordings emerged of a phone call between the Representative and her staff and in which she called employees “f**k-ups,” a “fat-a**,” and a “stupid idiot.” The footage was posted to social media by commentators who said Jackson Lee has a long history of abusing staff, with one calling her the “worst person to work for – ever.”

In response to the audio’s publication, Jackson Lee’s office called it a political stunt but did not deny the authenticity of the recording.

In 2017, the Rep. attracted public criticism for her behavior when she allegedly insisted a passenger be bumped from first class so she could take the seat. United Airlines later apologized to passenger Jean-Marie Simon after she complained about the incident on Facebook. Jackson Lee accused her of racism for kicking up a fuss, but according to Fox News, Simon replied, “That could have been Donald Duck in my seat. I could not see who had boarded the flight. I didn’t even know who she was.”

Now that she has lost her Houston campaign, Rep. Jackson Lee will will compete against her former aide. Amanda Edwards, who once worked as an intern at Jackson Lee’s office, is taking on her former boss.

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