(RepublicanView.org) – Students and parents have erupted in protest in New York at Mayor Eric Adams’ plans to house migrants in schools. The immigrants will be placed in school gyms, meaning that recess for kids has been cut. Protestors from various ethnic groups said they were not against asylum seekers or migrants, but their children’s safety must come first.
One parent said, “I’m not here for politics, I’m here for our babies.”
Mayor Adams said parents would need to accept the situation, adding that it may be uncomfortable, but he is short of options as the city continues to fill up with immigrants and housing is scarce.
The Mayor defended the Big Apple’s sanctuary status but argued that his administration could not have expected the incoming numbers. Since last spring, more than 60,000 people have arrived in the city, some of whom were sent there by Governors of southern states, including Greg Abbott of Texas.
Officials in New York City have attempted to move the migrants on to other parts of the state, causing the crisis to spread. Upstate hotels canceled bookings and told military veterans, supported by charities, that they had to move on to make space for border crossers.
Local leaders in Orange County applied to the courts for an injunction to prevent Mr. Adams from taking this action and a temporary order was granted on May 16th. Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus said he received no information about the migrants coming to this area – he does not know who they are, where they are from, or if they’ve been vetted. He said NYC tried to send as many as possible over a short period, resulting in chaos.
Adams is just one sanctuary city Mayor to complain that he can no longer cope with America’s open borders. Similarly, Chicago’s previous Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, pleaded with border states to stop transporting migrants north. However, New Mayor Brandon Johnson said the Windy City is open to “everyone.”
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