(RepublicanView.org) – Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) doesn’t seem to be backing down on his decision to retire from the Senate ahead of the 2024 elections even though Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has reportedly asked him to stay.
In an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Manchin called changing his decision a “long, long, long-shot scenario” and said he doesn’t expect it to happen. Campaign season is already well underway, meaning Manchin would only have a matter of months to scramble and reorganize his efforts to build an effective campaign.
Manchin originally announced his retirement in November 2023. He more recently dismissed a potential third-party candidacy for the presidency. Manchin often found himself at odds with the Democratic party. He refused to support the Biden administration’s $2 trillion “Build Back Better” initiative in 2021 and has repeatedly supported centrist positions. According to The Wall Street Journal, Manchin has expressed frustration with both Democrats and Republicans on a number of issues and plans to continue seeking ways to unite the American people.
Manchin’s announcement comes as bad news for the Democratic party. Republicans are expected to replace his Senate seat, according to The Hill. West Virginia has moved to the right significantly since he originally took office in 2010. That will help them gain an edge in the Senate that currently only maintains a Democratic majority by a razor-thin margin.
Manchin’s announcement comes as a record number of Senators and Congressional representatives also announce their departure from the House. Most have cited either family time or growing divisions in government as their reasons for leaving. It has also left both parties scrambling to find candidates as election season heats up.
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