Judge Blocks California Firearm Law

Judge Blocks California Firearm Law

(RepublicanView.org) – A federal judge has temporarily stopped the state of California from enforcing a law that was set to prohibit guns in the vast majority of the state’s public areas.

Judge Cormac Carney said the law violated the Second Amendment in his ruling. He also called it “repugnant” and said that it clearly defied the US Supreme Court. The court’s case against the law is still scheduled to continue. Carney is confident that it will be found unconstitutional and overturned permanently.

The law gained scrutiny after the California Rifle and Pistol Association filed a lawsuit to challenge its legality. Chuck Michel, the organization’s president, accused the state of refusing to accept the precedent set by the Supreme Court’s decision in the New York Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Buren case. That decision requires states to assess the constitutionality and historical legality of gun laws.

He also argued that the law would criminalize law-abiding citizens with valid carry permits from traveling within their own town without passing through a prohibited zone. In other words, it made the right to carry nearly impossible.

According to ABC News, Rob Bonta, the attorney general for the state of California, said his office plans to appeal the decision. He also claimed that communities are in danger without it.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s attitude toward the Second Amendment rights of Americans has faced criticism from Conservatives and 2A advocates. He has been a large proponent of greater gun control measures in his state.

He has increasingly become an outspoken voice for gun control as he continues considering a presidential run. His law was scheduled to become effective on January 1st, almost four months after it was signed. The ban included playgrounds and public parks in addition to churches, zoos, and financial institutions.

According to ABC News, Michel argues that allowing law-abiding citizens to carry in those places makes criminals think twice before committing a crime. Thus, it allows Californians to properly defend themselves.

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