(RepublicanView.org) – An intelligence expert is expressing concerns over a lack of “urgency” in the US regarding the potential for domestic terrorist attacks.
Mike Morell, who previously served as the CIA’s deputy directory, said in an interview on June 23 that he is concerned about the “a lack of sense of urgency” within President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress. He also said the American people need to understand the threat. He is calling for a publicized congressional hearing exclusively for terroristic threats facing the country.
The warning comes just weeks after Morell collaborated with another intelligence expert to write a report titled “The Terrorism Warning Lights Are Blinking Red Again.” In it, he makes the case that all the warning signs leading up to 9/11 are popping up once again. He noted the open southern border and renewed conflict between Israel and Hamas, along with other concerns, draw very similar parallels with the conditions that led to the attacks on September 11, 2001.
Morell worked as a CIA analyst at that time and was responsible for delivering then-president George W. Bush the President’s Daily Brief. He published the brief on the morning of 9/11 and said that while it did cover issues between Israel and Palestine, it did not touch on terrorism. Morell also joined President Bush on Air Force One shortly after the first attacks.
Morell said that many intelligence experts, officers, and policymakers, both current and former, responded almost universally to his report. He also expressed concerns about a lack of resources as counterterrorism efforts continue to shift their focus to China. Morell said that makes sense to an extent, but the extent of resources being devoted to China is coming at a great cost.
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