Costco Salad Recall Receives Class I Risk Update From FDA

Costco Salad Recall Receives Class I Risk Update From FDA

It looks like our favorite bulk-buy paradise ran into an issue with one of its products this spring and summer. Costco, the land of oversized everything, managed to overlook something as small as a food label. Let’s dive into this leafy green debacle and see what really happened.

The Recall Rundown

On July 3, Costco initiated a recall of 958 units of their salad products due to a mislabeling error. The product in question was incorrectly labeled as “Ancient Grain + Vegetable Salad item #25247” instead of “Grain + Celery Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette item #47492.” This might seem like a minor mix-up, but it’s far more serious than a simple case of salad identity crisis.

The mislabeled product contained almond and soy, two major allergens not listed on the incorrect label. These hidden ingredients posed a significant risk to individuals with allergies, prompting the FDA to classify this recall as Class I on August 7. A Class I label from the FDA indicates a significant risk of illness, injury, or death.

The Nitty-Gritty Details

The affected salads were packaged in clear plastic containers with dome clamshells and had visible almond slices. They were distributed to Costco stores across 14 states, including California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. The products had sell-by dates ranging from May 16 to July 6.

The Health Hazards

For those with soy or almond allergies, accidental exposure can lead to a range of symptoms, from skin reactions to respiratory or stomach problems. In severe cases, it can trigger anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition. This is why the FDA takes these mislabeling incidents so seriously.

The Bigger Picture

While food recalls are a regular occurrence in our modern food supply chain, it’s worth noting that most don’t result in actual harm. According to a Newsweek review, “In the first half of the year, only eight food and beverage products—of the 108 recalled by the FDA—caused harm or disease to at least one consumer.”

However, this doesn’t mean people should take recalls lightly. Each one represents a potential threat to public health and a reminder of the importance of accurate food labeling.

In conclusion, while this recall might seem like small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, it’s a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in our food supply chain. After all, in the world of bulk shopping, even the smallest oversight can have supersized consequences.


  1. Salad Recall Update as FDA Sets Highest Risk Level
  2. Costco salad recall set at most severe risk by FDA