Armed Men Abduct Students in Nigeria

Armed Men Abduct Students in Nigeria

( – Armed gunmen kidnapped over a dozen school children from an Islamic boarding school in northwestern Nigeria on March 9.

The gang took a total of 15 children after breaking into the school’s hostel at about 1am as students slept. They moved fast and were able to leave with all 15 children long before police could respond. Another woman from the local village was also taken.

Police assigned a squad to search for the victims. However, poorly maintained roads have made it difficult for authorities to conduct a thorough search. Most had to enter the village on motorcycles as larger vehicles couldn’t traverse the terrain.

The incident was just one in a series of kidnapping incidents that have plagued the region in March. It was reported on March 13 that dozens of individuals were abducted from a village in Northern Nigeria. In addition, nearly 300 children were kidnapped on March 7 from government-owned schools in Kaduna. Rebels used AK-47s to take control early in the morning.

Members of the Boko Haram terrorist group also kidnapped around 200 girls and women who were taking refuge in some of Borno’s displacement camps on March 4. The group is known for its attacks in Cameroon, which closely borders the area. They have also burned many shelters to the ground.

Security problems have become critical throughout Nigeria. Terrorists and militant groups have been able to raise significant funds through ransoms. Kidnappings have been a regular occurrence for an entire decade and show little hope of slowing. Additionally, militant Muslims have been fighting to take control of the nation’s northern region in recent years. Officials believe they are responsible for the recent Borno kidnappings, although locals are blaming hostile farmers. No group has taken credit for the abductions.

According to CBS News, Kashim Shettima, the vice president of Nigeria, hosted a meeting with police and several victims’ parents hours after the kidnapping in Kaduna. He promised that authorities were working hard and reassured them of his confidence in their expertise. Nigerians are calling on the federal government to get the situation under control, but they claim to have too few resources.

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