Bus Catches on Fire, Driver Takes Swift Action To Protect Students

Bus Catches on Fire, Driver Takes Swift Action To Protect Students

A school bus in Colorado caught fire, but a quick-thinking driver managed to save all 14 children onboard.

At a Glance

  • A school bus driver in Aurora, Colorado evacuated 14 children from a burning bus.
  • The fire was reported around 4 p.m. and originated in the engine compartment.
  • Aurora Fire Rescue responded, reporting no injuries thanks to the driver’s quick actions.
  • Community members and the Aurora School District are hailing the driver as a hero.

Bus Fire Incident Details

A heroic school bus driver managed to evacuate 14 children from a bus that caught fire in Aurora, Colorado, just ten miles east of downtown Denver. The incident took place around 4 p.m. while the driver was taking the kids home. Fire engulfed the bus shortly after the driver noticed flames emerging through the dashboard and immediately pulled over to evacuate everyone onboard.

Aurora Fire Rescue (AFR) crews arrived to find the bus fully engulfed in flames. Thankfully, the prompt actions of the bus driver had already ensured the safety of all the children. The fire, which originated in the engine compartment, was determined to be accidental. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze and confirmed there were no injuries reported. The bus, unfortunately, was a total loss.


The Aurora School District expressed immense gratitude towards the bus driver for his quick actions. Officials noted that the outcome could have been tragic without his brave intervention. A statement from the district read, “We are extremely grateful that no one was injured,” the district stated.

Officials revealed, “Upon noticing the fire emerging through the dashboard as he turned the bus, the bus driver immediately pulled over and assisted in evacuating the children.” They went on to say, “His prompt and courageous actions were crucial in ensuring everyone’s safety.”

Further comments from the district further emphasized its appreciation: “We want to give our utmost thanks to our bus driver for his awareness and quick action. His response kept everyone safe. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority.”

Firefighters’ Role and Aftermath

Aurora Fire Rescue also highlighted the crucial role of the bus driver, calling his actions instrumental in preventing any injuries. Fire officials praised both the driver and the responding firefighters for their quick and effective actions. “The bus driver’s quick thinking and bravery were also instrumental in the safe evacuation of the children,” AFR stated in their release.

The children were picked up by another bus after the fire was extinguished and safely taken to their respective stops. Each child’s family was notified of the incident, and no further complications were reported. The identity of the bus driver has not been disclosed, but he appears to have earned the title of a hero in the eyes of his community.


  1. School bus catches fire in Aurora with 14 children on board
  2. As school bus burned, driver’s heroic actions helped save Colorado kids, authorities say